DM 3200/4800 - Windows 10 Compatibility - My Final Results

Jean-Pierre, from your query I can't tell whether you are having USB connection trouble specifically, or if it is simply that you cannot get TMC to communicate with your DM4800. If it is indeed the latter, then it could be a boot sequence issue, which can be frustrating.

I have found that booting Windows 10 first, then starting the DM4800 after the computer finishes its boot sequence to be the best practice. Then, make sure that you start TMC prior to initiating your DAW, otherwise you can more often than not get a connection problem between the PC and the mixer. Not sure if this is your particular issue, but thought I would pass it along just in case.

That boot sequence contradicts standard practice but I suppose there are always exceptions. I have had problems with my DM and any Windows OS when the OS boots up first before the DM, especially with Windows 10.

My boot sequence has always been DM + DAW + Speakers and the opposite on power down.
Occasionally with both Windows 7 and 10 one of my USB devices would not load which would be remedied by disabling the device in Device Manager and then enabling it. It usually would be one of my DM3200's USB ports.
I also have always booted in the same sequence as Charlie. 1st- DM, 2nd- PC, 3rd- TMC and then whichever software I want to use (mostly Cubase/ Wavelab). Never failed and never had USB devices missing. This in Windows 7 and later 10.
And I suspect I have occasional USB issues because of the number of USB devices I use on a single machine (and I might be forgetting one or two others):

Two DM3200 USB connections
Two Frontier Tranzports.
Backup Hard Disk
M-Audio Keystation 61
Steinberg CC-121
Steinberg Dongle
Yes I boot in the same order as Jack. Works fine every time. If I boot DM then computer I sometimes notice that the computer doesn't detect the DM's USB connection. Sounds like the USB issue Jean-Pierre is having could be caused by another USB device. I'd try removing all USB devices that aren't crucial to running your system and add them back one at a time.
Hope this helps.
Go into system ( device management ). And make the usb inactive. Then active. That way the computer redetects. And you do not need to unplug.
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I have two(2) DM-4800 both seem to be running fine EXCEPT one talks to TMC and the other does not. Both use the same cable and USB port on the PC. Any ideas ? When I am doing this neither unit is CASCADEd.
Yes I outlined this in the sticky VERY SPECIFICALLY under cascading. Cascading or not, you need to do the procedure. Did you read it? :)
Hello I have been away from the forums for over 5 years and I could use a bit of help.

I have a DM4800 running on an Asus X99-E WS, Intel I7 Extreme with 20mb cache, 64gb ram, FW is VIA chipset, Win10 with latest updates ver 1803 (08/07/2018) and seem to be having issues with latency and dropouts.

The best I can get on the DPC test is 1060uS and goes as high as 10100uS! I also get random dropouts when on youtube or just playing music from the media player?

I am still running DM4800 firmware 1.70 & IF/FWmkII Firmware 1.21.

What is and where do I get the latest versions of the firmware and do you think this is my problem? The link at the beginning of this thread is Dead.
Is this the latest version (IFFWDMmkII_172407) Or is it another version?

The only reason I ask for this info is it looks like this topic has been quiet for some time with windows 10 users and some of the links don't work.


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The first post in this topic is kept updated by the OP, cmaffia. All you need is there.
After digging through the forums I found and installed the IF/FWmkII driver 1.30f5 (172407) and the windows legacy FW1394 driver.

The DPC Spike Checker is still showing an average latency of about 1060uS with spikes over 10100uS.

Could my Firewire card be the problem it is one with a VIA chipset. Would changing the FW card to one with a TI chipset help?
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Hi there, All I can say is that I'm running a similar setup but using a PCIe firewire card with TI chipset and it's really solid. Never any issues. I recall when I setup my system over a year ago I purchased 2 firewire cards 1- SIIG FireWire 2-Port PCIe TI chipset NN-E20012-S2 and the second a SYBA SY-PEX30016 and both with TI chipsets and both work great no problem. Hope this helps.
Can you provide a link to the latest IF/FWmkII Driver?

Is 3.30F5 (172407) the latest version?

I believe I read that there is a newer one that ends in "F8"

Also is everyone that runs windows 10 still using the “Legacy” 1394 windows driver?

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I'm at home building up a new machine right now and searching for the latest drivers before I take it down to the studio to test it. The links are dead, as has been the case for awhile from what I can tell. Is there any way to get the most recent drivers? I'm pretty sure I have copies of the last drivers I used with Windows 7 but I have no idea what version they are. If it's a matter of server space, I would host it on mine if someone can get me the driver packages.

@Andrea Cristina You might start off by telling us a little about your setup and if you require the Mac or PC versions
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Since he's asking for ASIO, this means automatically Windows. :-)
He should therefor PM @cmaffia
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Working on a new location for files with Admin. Hang tight.
Hello everyone, I'm trying to get the latest windows drivers for the IFFW (on dm3200) interface for Windows 10, but all the links I've found so far are dead... can someone send it over to me?
thank you in advance!

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