DM 3200/4800 - Windows 10 Compatibility - My Final Results

Hey folks,
I've been off the forum for awhile but I started checking back as I upgraded my homebrew Intel 6 core PC to the W10 Anniversary OS. I'm not having FW issues with the VIA 1394 OHCI driver. I did DL the Legacy driver from MS but W10 anniv won't allow me to "update" or rollback to the Legacy driver to see if it's better for my rig. I guess the "it ain't broke don't fix it" motto is in play but I'm curious if anyone else has seen this behaviour. This happens using the update dialog and browsing to the legacy location "Program Files (x86)". Are you uninstalling the newer driver to roll back?
Whoa just a minute...I let the browser sit in the dialog box while I wrote the above and when I went back it presented me the Legacy option...weird that it seems it had to think a while. I've installed the Legacy driver now and I'll see if it's better for my rig.
Obviously you missed the white paper on the new (and most requested) "Peek-a-Boo" driver feature.

I jest of course! ;-)

Check your latency between the two as well. Should be lower with legacy.
Probably doing maintenance
Obviously you missed the white paper on the new (and most requested) "Peek-a-Boo" driver feature.

I jest of course! ;-)

Check your latency between the two as well. Should be lower with legacy.

That made me smile, maybe it was one of the forced mystery "updates" of W10 anniversary...I truly hope they roll back that policy. Good news about latency. I'll keep my eye on that.

There is at long last a simple and reliable way to address the Windows 10 Update issue, I kid you not. I have been testing it on my main Nuendo system for the past week and it works, hands down, no question, without a doubt.
To expand a bit, it is a very simple registry hack that fools your Windows 10 desktop into thinking you are on a metered WiFi connection, which puts you absolutely in control of exactly when to download and install any updates.
Read the instructions thoroughly at the following link, but the gist is that you will only have to change one number in the registry to accomplish this and it will give back the control we had in Win 7 Pro.
Now, when I say I tested this, I mean I really tested it, side by side with my Cubase system, leaving it as originally installed with updates coming whenever Microsoft saw fit. Well, My Nuendo system with the hack did not download or install any updates this past week, not until tonight when I manually set them up. It works, it really does. And there is nothing to be afraid of because the hack is so simple you could have your pet hamster do it.
Here's the link:

Like I said, read it carefully. You will find a couple links within the article that will help you through. Well worth the effort. They even have a little app available that will do it for you if the registry makes you nervous. Shouldn't though, it really is very simple, and once it is done you don't need to change it back in order to manually update Windows at will.
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I've heard about this "metered" hack on one of Leo Laportes's TWIT TV Netcasts. Since I'm not afraid of the regedit...I've certainly done some time in there... I'll check this out during my TV mid season break. Thanks for the tip. We have to take a stand for ourselves against MS and Apple.
Well, Tonepad I hope you have as much success with this hack as I have. I was seriously going to kiss Windows 10 goodbye over this new update policy, but now am enjoying all the benefits without the hassle.
Did a clean install prior to the hack, and boot times are lightening fast now (From the login window to working is less than 20 seconds, overall cold and restart boots to working take 55 seconds)
Still use the Background Services and Visual Effects tweaks, and have shut down a lot of unnecessary services. I know a lot of people claim you don't need to tweak anything anymore, but the performance difference is hands down better in my experience. Nuendo flies like never before in straight audio production, as well as loaded with VST instruments. After a year of hoping and testing, and going back and forth between the two, I can finally say that I wouldn't remotely consider going back to Windows 7 Pro now. Onward and upward, no question about it.
Good to hear about the REG hack...I'm in slow mo Hiatus mode from my NCISLA duties so I'm staying away from the studio off and on for a few weeks. LOL of course I just spent 2 of those "off" days recabling and swapping out a subwoofer. I'll get around to the REG hack after the new year rolls over.

Hey Cmaffia I'm happy to report that yet another benefit of the Legacy FW driver rollback is I no longer have to reboot W10 2 times to get audio. I had chalked that up to my Samsung EVO SSD being so fast on boot up that W10 was not loading the driver in time. A crazy theory I know. It appears that's not the case because the legacy driver is online with every boot now. A simple but good thing.
@Tonepad Interesting. I too am using the legacy drivers but I have to reboot sometimes to get audio with Windows 10. My 6 year old master DM3200 suffered a terrible death today. Replacement in morning so I will see if the lack of audio upon boot up was related to its demise.
cmaffia, my sincere condolences on the loss of your trusty audio soldier. Do you know what the problem is? I'm assuming it's fairly terminal if you're already in replace mode. I myself keep a 3200 around for my "planB" needs, which I've had to implement a few times when my DM4800 has gone "bad order". LOL, even though it's due for another repair visit (my 2 track and monitor section has died as I noted in another post) ...I'm not in a position to do the swap right takes some manhandling. The thing is that with the 4 slots on the 4800 I can use other my case I'm using the 2 track monitor of my Surround card...brilliant and it works with the rest of my 5.1 Bluesky config when I switch over. I did add a Mackie Big Knob to allow for A/B monitoring (JBL LSR 308's/KRK Sub and Dynaudio BM5's) of the Surround 2 great. Good luck with the replacement unit. At least the DM3200 is still sold.

BTW I hope I didn't speak too soon of the legacy FW driver sounds like you're experiencing the same thing I did with the VIA driver I was using. It's still early in the rollback for me I guess.
The "all audio has stopped" message occurs on every Bootup. I had this message show up randomly on my slave unit but that was repaired by replacing the DSP board. I swapped that board into the master to see if it was the same issue but it's not which leads me to believe the problem is with the main board. Shipping to and from Tascam headquarters would probably cost me close to $300 alone plus the Mainboard and labor would be another $700+. I was fortunate to find a local sale last night with free delivery well under that price I will keep the dead one I guess for parts or maybe sell it really cheap so it's worth someone's time to repair. Once I get the new board settled in I'm going to test that windows 10 issue where the driver doesn't always load.
Ouch! That's not what we want to see with our beloved DM! Well, good luck with the new master unit - if anything, you now have an extra spare display unit :-)
Merry X-mas to all!
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cmaffia are you back up and running?

BTW... a follow up to my FW Legacy boot fix, is that it has completely cured the lack of driver loading I was having pre the Legacy rollback. It's working everytime...yet another benefit of your tip. I hope you are enjoying the same and that the new 3200 made things better. Oh and Happy New Year to all the Forum.
@Tonepad I purchased a used DM3200 and did a gut swap. Everything is working as before and I too am having 100% success with the FW drivers loading with Win10. I'm guessing it was another symptom of whatever caused the other board's demise. I now have a spare mixer for parts or I just might sell it "as-is".
Great news...and yes having one for parts might be good insurance. I know I keep my working 3200 as a backup. Hard to tell if the "as-is" market is any good esp. since it's not clear what died.
All roads point to the MainBoard.
Interesting that you did a transplant from the used 3200 to your existing. Do I have that right? If so I'm assuming the donor was in less than good cosmetic condition.? To be honest I've never opened my units, not that I'd be afraid of that since I regularly build and or mod my PCs and Macs...but do you know if there are any tutorials with fotos around that document the steps? Just being curious...I'm fortunate enough to be within driving distance of tascam service so I usually take it in.
Nope. Transplanted from bad to "used" working unit (which had a Japanese made LCD installed that was not a Tascam replacement and was way too dark). "Transplanted" seems more dicey than it seems. I migrated my good LCD, 2SeeMy card, Analog and FW expansion cards and then copied my existing CF configurations to the card it came with and voila!

Go to the 2seemy website. They have instructions for dismantling the DM.

There's also this document that I posted once before (courtesy of RedBus).


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