Model 12 Daw Headphones


New Member
Jan 17, 2025
Gear owned
Tascam Model 12
Hi! I'm struggling to route a separate(or any for that matter) signal to the headphones outputs on my Model 12 in DAW mode on Ableton Live. In mixer mode I can just send to a return track with a 9/10 as external output, but that functionality seems to just disappear as I turn on DAW. Do I need to just give up the DAW mode or is there something I've missed?
Hello @Swictor , welcome to the forum. Did you read the manual? Did you download additional docs from Tascam website? Did you read the sticky threads?
Thank you. Yes, I did all those things before posting. I also tried searching the forums, but the search engine here didn't want to use "DAW" as a search word because it was too short. I have probably missed something silly, an I swear it worked before, but I have spent a couple hours trying to figure this out. For now I just turn off DAW if I want to use the headphones.

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