What are .bin files?


New Member
Dec 15, 2024
Gear owned
tascam x8
My tascam x8 generates these .bin files on every record with names like this:
They are always the same size of 268 bytes. I had been deleting them after recording. Now it just came to me that perhaps I had been deleting important data, but I can't find information about these files in the manual.

Is it a bad idea to do this?
How do I read these files?
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I'm the Village Idiot around here - there's smart guyz who might actually KNOW the answer to this. I just lurk for the entertainment value.

However: I can say without reservation that deleting them prolly ain't a great idea. The proprietary s'ware/operating systems of most digital MTR devices (including Tascam) tend to create files that enable them to manage/assort/utilize the actual tracks/*.wav files that are created. The "zz" files in the DP's are a good example: they're just bits of track info that the DP uses to assemble/create an actual *.wav file/track. If you delete/mess with them, your track/wav file will be gone, or unusable.

Nickel's worth of free advice: LEAVE THEM. However annoying or confusing it may be to have them in a folder or whatever, 268 bytes isn't going to exactly crowd up an SD card of 32GB (or more?).
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what shredd wrote ^^^^^^^^^

Rule 1. If you don't know what you're doing, don't do it.

Rule 2. Always follow Rule 1.
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Why on earth would anyone do that without knowing what those files are for? Wow.
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