Sweepable mid range.


New Member
Jan 19, 2025
Gear owned
Model 16
What do the marks on the model mixers' sweepable mid between 600 and 8k represent? For example, how does one dial it to 2k or 4k etc?
I don’t know the technical specifications, and I’m not one of the “smart guys“ on the forum here.
But typically, a frequency knob will be “logarithmic“ rather than linear, meaning that each “o’clock“ between lines is a greater change, the higher you go in the frequency, spectrum.
For example: going from the very bottom of the control (600hZ) up to the next line may only take you up to 8-900 hZ; but at the top (8K hZ), going down one line may drop you as much as 1500-2000hZ…
I don't own one or these mixers, but it seems to me the easiest way to correlate the sweep knob marks with specific frequencies would be to;
* connect the mixer to a D.A.W.;
* load a frequency analyzer plugin;
* send a steady level white noise signal from the mixer to the D.A.W.;
* sweep the mid range;
* observe the result; and
* correlate the observations with the markings on the sweep knob.

If you perform this test, please report the results here. I think that would be a good addition to the knowledge base.

looks like we crossed while I was editing.

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