Bad button


Oct 6, 2012
Gear owned
The solo button on fader 17 is not working reliably.
I've tried injecting contact cleaner and various other 'top of the board' remedies, but the results have been iffy.
It works for a while and then becomes unresponsive.
Do I need to replace it?
How would I do that?
Advice please.
I had a couple of buttons that were not always responding. I opened the desk so I could spray in the button themselves. Have you tried that? The plastic cap is completely covering the tiny button underneath, so spray can't reach it from the top.
Thanks Marvel, that makes sense. I appreciate your reply.
Several buttons have been getting a bit unreliable and I was just about to pull the DM out and open it up.
I remembered long ago advice about Caig DeOxit D5....
Holy Moly!
It works!
Strategically sprayed around the switch and surrounding switches, it fixed my bad buttons.
All from the top panel without opening the desk.
Beats Electrosolve and CRC.... temporary relief but no solution.
Hope this helps somebody.
I'm back in DM-4800 heaven.
96K is amazing!
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